About Us

GESCO is specialized and qualified office in the fields of Geologic, Engineering Geology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Geological hazards including slope stability & Rock cuts.

Our Vision

To be one of the pioneer offices in the field of Geological, Geological Engineering Hydrological, Hydrogeological and Geological hazards.

Our Mission

Carry out the Geologic, Engineering Geology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Geological hazards studies and consultation according to the local and international standards and specification systems.

Our Fields

The office conducted many studies and consultation projects and technical reports on the field of Geologic, Engineering Geology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Geological hazards including slope stability & Rock cuts and mining projects since 1994 for more than 25 years of experience. The office has qualified research assistants and technicians in the field of geology, engineering geology and hydrology and surveying. The office uses the KAU laboratories for testing and analysis. The office supervised different geological mining and hydrological and geophysical projects. Furthermore, the office is approved as arbitration office in the field of Geologic, Engineering Geology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Geological hazards including slope stability & Rock cuts by Saudi Council of Engineers, since 2006. The Office can supervise the construction of the Geological, Mining Engineering and related Geohazards projects such as rock cuts and blasting and tunnel excavations and their stability and supporting systems.
